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Helps With:

Improving Sleep | Relieving Aches & Pains | Recovering Faster

MG+PLUS in a gel - plus a little EXTRA! Our Magnesium Recovery spray, with the added benefit of Methyl Salicylate - and in a GEL! 200ml bottle

Mg+Plus Magnesium and Arnica Recovery Gel - 100% Natural

  • 100% Natural Ingredients: Magnesium Oil (Aqua, Magnesium Chloride), Arnica (Infused in Sunflower Oil), Turmeric, Black Pepper, Wintergreen, Lemongrass, Peppermint, Rosemary, Tea Tree, Eucalyptus & Lavender, Capryl Glucoside, Geogard Ultra.

    Comes in a handy 200ml sprayer, which is lockable! Or try a sample size mini in a handy 20ml sprayer (also perfect for the purse).

    If pregnant or breast-feeding please consult with your trusted medical professional before using.

    Extra Info on MG+Plus Ingredients
    Magnesium: Relieves muscle aches and cramps and spasms. Regulates hormones like serotonin. Crucial for quieting a racing mind, calm and relaxation, and aiding sleep (deficiency = higher cortisol) as it relaxes GABA receptors in the brain and nervous system. Critical to nerve, muscle and blood function, and the metabolism of nutrients in the body. Helps with DNA repair and the formation of cells. Can help headache and migraine as it affects neurotransmitters and receptors. Depleted by commo pharmaceuticals like contraceptives and anti-depressants. Most adults in the western world will be deficient in Magnesium.

    Arnica: Contains helenalin which is a potent anti-inflammatory. Arnica has been used since the 1500s for body recovery as it reduces stiffness and is highly effective relief for sprains, muscle pain and inflammation as it is an effective vasodilatorof certain capillaries, transporting blood and fluid to aid natural healing processes.

    Wintergreen: Natural analgesic, can numb the skin, anti-arthritic, anti-spasmodic, antiseptic. Relieves muscles cramps, joint pain, tendonitis and headache.

    Turmeric: Reduces swelling and inflammation. Useful in treating osteoarthritis. Contains curcumin which targets around 30 enzymes and proteins in the body to reduce inflammation. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha is a major mediator of inflammation and its activity is influenced by another protein known as nuclear factor-kappa B. Nuclear factor-kappa B regulates the activity of many molecules in the body including inflammation causing agents. Curcumin inhibits the activity of tumor necrosis factor alpha and nuclear kappa B.

    Black Pepper: Relieves aches and pains. Natural treatment for muscle injuries and tendonitis, arthritis and rheumatism.

    Rosemary: Increases circulation, works particularly well in combination with lavender and peppermint. Relieves arthritic pain and muscle pain.

    Peppermint: Calms spasms that cause muscle cramps, relieves sore muscles, has a calming and cooling sensation. Effective in treating headaches. Analgesic, anti-spasmodic, anti-inflammatory.

    Eucalyptus: Relieves stress and pain, analgesic and anti-inflammatory.

    Lemongrass: Reduces body aches, relieves muscle pain, kills bacteria.

    Tea Tree: Relieves minor arthritis, back aches, muscle and joint pain.

    Lavender: Beneficial for aching muscles, relaxation and stress relief.

    Our special blend gives your body the true support it needs to rest, relax and heal from anything you throw at it on a daily basis.

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